June 13, 2012

sp_validatecache (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_validatecache(nvarchar @publisher
, nvarchar @publication
, nvarchar @article)


-- Name:
-- sp_validatecache
-- Description:
-- Validate the distributor side Oracle meta data (Oracle specific)
-- Inputs:
-- @publisher == name of Oracle publisher
-- @publication == publication name (default '%')
-- @article == table name (defulat '%')
-- Returns:
-- Return code (0 for success, 1 for failure)
-- Result set
-- column description
-- publication publication name
-- article article name
-- column column name
-- index_or_constraint index or constraint name
-- columnordinal column ordinal
-- type column, index, or constraint type
-- length length
-- prec precision
-- scale scale
-- isnullable is nullable
-- validate primary key validated
-- consstatus constraint status
-- idxstatus index status
-- description 'Column dropped'
-- 'Column added'
-- 'Column changed from'
-- 'Column changed to'
-- 'Index dropped'
-- 'Index added'
-- 'Index changed from'
-- 'Index changed to'
-- 'Constraint dropped'
-- 'Constraint added'
-- 'Constraint changed from'
-- 'Constraint changed to'
-- 'Index column dropped'
-- 'Index column added'
-- 'Constraint column dropped'
-- 'Constraint column added'
-- Security:
-- public -- caller must be sysadmin
-- Notes:
-- This stored procedure is provided so that the administrator of Oracle
-- publishing can determine whether the current meta data for published
-- Oracle tables that is cached at the distributor, is still valid. It is
-- intended to assist in diagnosing problems resulting from a meta data
-- mismatch between the Oracle database and the distributor meta data cache.
-- If the @publication parameter is not specified, all publications for the
-- Oracle publisher are examined. If the @article parameter is not specified,
-- all articles for the given publication are examined. If @article is non NULL,
-- and @publication is NULL, articles of the specified name from all publications
-- are examined.
-- If an empty rowset is returned, the distributor meta data is valid.
-- If a non-empty rowset is returned, the distributor meta data has been invalidated
-- by meta data changes at the Oracle publisher.

CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_validatecache
@publisher sysname,
@publication sysname = '%',
@article sysname = '%'

DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @retcode int
DECLARE @publisher_type sysname

-- Security Check: requires sysadmin, done in sp_MSrepl_getpublisherinfo

SET @retcode = 0

EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_getpublisherinfo @publisher = @publisher,
@rpcheader = @cmd OUTPUT,
@publisher_type = @publisher_type OUTPUT,
@hreplOnly = 1

IF @retcode <> 0
RETURN (@retcode)

-- Error if the publisher is not an Oracle publisher
IF @publisher_type NOT LIKE 'ORACLE%'
RAISERROR (21687, 16, -1, @publisher, @publisher_type)

set @cmd = @cmd + N'sys.sp_MSrepl_validatecache'

EXEC @retcode = @cmd @publisher,
RETURN (@retcode)

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