May 29, 2012

sp_MSsetlastsentgen (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSsetlastsentgen(uniqueidentifier @repid
, bigint @srcgen
, uniqueidentifier @srcguid)


CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_MSsetlastsentgen
(@repid uniqueidentifier, @srcgen bigint, @srcguid uniqueidentifier)
-- Check to see if current publication has permission
declare @retcode int
declare @pubid uniqueidentifier
declare @subscription_type smallint

-- if this is the light weight client we have nothing to set here
if object_id('dbo.MSmerge_rowtrack', 'U') is not null
return 0

exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_PAL_rolecheck @repid = @repid
if (@retcode <> 0) or (@@error <> 0)
return 1

if (@repid is null)
RAISERROR(14043, 16, -1, '@repid', 'sp_MSsetlastsentgen')
return (1)

if object_id('MSmerge_contents') is NULL
RAISERROR(20054 , 16, -1)
return (1)

-- This is a special case which is used to update the anonymous subscriptions sent and
-- received generation guids at the end of initializing a dynamic subscription. This is
-- used in the case where an anonymous subscription is reinitialized after a merge metadata
-- cleanup
if (@srcgen is null and @srcguid is null)

declare @lastrecsentgen bigint
declare @lastrecsentguid uniqueidentifier

select @lastrecsentgen = max(g.generation)
from MSmerge_genhistory g,
(select isnull(gen2.generation, gen1.generation) as generation
from (select max(generation) as generation from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory where genstatus in (1,2)) as gen1,
(select min(generation) as generation from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory where genstatus in (0,4)) as gen2
) as minopengen
where g.generation <= minopengen.generation and g.genstatus in (1,2)
if @lastrecsentgen IS NOT NULL
select @lastrecsentguid = guidsrc from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory where generation = @lastrecsentgen
update dbo.sysmergesubscriptions set sentgen= @lastrecsentgen, sentguid = @lastrecsentguid
where subid = @repid
IF @@ERROR <>0 return (1)
-- check for setting a sentgen which is obviously too high
if (exists (select * from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory where generation < @srcgen and
genstatus in (0,4) and
(art_nick = 0 or art_nick is null or art_nick in
(select nickname from dbo.sysmergearticles where
pubid = @pubid) )))
RAISERROR('Setting sentgen too high', 16, -1)
return (1)
update dbo.sysmergesubscriptions set sentgen= @srcgen, sentguid = @srcguid
where subid = @repid
IF @@ERROR <>0 return (1)
return (0)

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