May 29, 2012

sp_MSreset_subscription_seqno (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSreset_subscription_seqno(int @agent_id
, bit @get_snapshot)


 CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_MSreset_subscription_seqno   
@agent_id int,
@get_snapshot bit
set nocount on

declare @publication_id int
declare @sub_agent_id int
declare @virtual_anonymous smallint
declare @virtual smallint
declare @retcode int
declare @automatic tinyint

select @automatic = 1
select @virtual = -1
select @virtual_anonymous = -2

-- Security Check
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScheck_pull_access
@agent_id = @agent_id,
@agent_type = 0 -- distribution agent
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
return (1)

-- Get version agent_id
select top 1 @sub_agent_id = s2.agent_id from dbo.MSsubscriptions s1,
MSsubscriptions s2 where
s1.publisher_id = s2.publisher_id and
s1.publisher_db = s2.publisher_db and
s1.publication_id = s2.publication_id and
s1.agent_id = @agent_id and
s2.subscriber_id =
case @get_snapshot when 0
then @virtual_anonymous
else @virtual

-- If there are no virtual subscriptions defined. Don't reset.
-- This might happen when the distribution agent tries to
-- reset an subscription on a non immediate_sync publication
-- (this can
-- only happen when the publication is changed from immediate_sync to non
-- immdiate_sync after the distribution agent has queried the immediate_sync
-- property)
if @sub_agent_id = 0
return 0

-- 'no_sync' subscriptions are handled differently
if exists (select * from dbo.MSsubscriptions where agent_id = @agent_id and
sync_type <> @automatic)
-- If @get_snapshot = 0, the distribution agent is process the attached
-- subscription for the first time. Set subscription_seqno to zero so that
-- all changes that are not in the subscription copy will be picked up.
-- Otherwise, do noting.
if @get_snapshot = 0
update dbo.MSsubscriptions set
-- Use current date rather than virtual sub date for the
-- calculation in cleanup
subscription_time = getdate(),
-- lsn should be ten bytes long. We will not be here
-- if the publisher is 6.x since 6x publisher does not
-- support immediate_sync (thus does not support subscription copy as well)
subscription_seqno = 0x00000000000000000000,
publisher_seqno = 0x00000000000000000000,
ss_cplt_seqno = 0x00000000000000000000
from dbo.MSsubscriptions rs1 where
agent_id = @agent_id
return 0

-- Reset the subscription statue to be that of the virtual_anonymous subscription.
-- Thus, only the snapshot transactions that are later than the subscriber transaction
-- timestamp will be picked up (i.e., new article or schema change article.)
update dbo.MSsubscriptions set
snapshot_seqno_flag =
(select snapshot_seqno_flag from dbo.MSsubscriptions rs2
rs2.agent_id = @sub_agent_id and
rs2.article_id = rs1.article_id),
status =
(select status from dbo.MSsubscriptions rs2
rs2.agent_id = @sub_agent_id and
rs2.article_id = rs1.article_id),
-- Use current date rather than virtual sub date for the
-- calculation in cleanup
subscription_time = getdate(),
subscription_seqno =
(select subscription_seqno from dbo.MSsubscriptions rs2
rs2.agent_id = @sub_agent_id and
rs2.article_id = rs1.article_id),
publisher_seqno =
(select publisher_seqno from dbo.MSsubscriptions rs2
rs2.agent_id = @sub_agent_id and
rs2.article_id = rs1.article_id),
ss_cplt_seqno =
(select ss_cplt_seqno from dbo.MSsubscriptions rs2
rs2.agent_id = @sub_agent_id and
rs2.article_id = rs1.article_id)
from dbo.MSsubscriptions rs1 where
agent_id = @agent_id

if @@ERROR <> 0
return 1

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