May 15, 2012

sp_MSgetmetadatabatch (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch(uniqueidentifier @pubid
, varbinary @tablenickarray
, varbinary @rowguidarray
, int @compatlevel
, int @lightweight)


 create procedure sys.sp_MSgetmetadatabatch  
(@pubid uniqueidentifier,
@tablenickarray varbinary(2000),
@rowguidarray varbinary(8000),
@compatlevel int = 10, -- backward compatibility level, default=Sphinx
@lightweight int = 0) -- if <>0, return some stuff needed to cope with lightweight subscriber
declare @tablenick int
declare @tablenicklast int
declare @rowguid uniqueidentifier
declare @generation bigint
declare @type tinyint
declare @lineage varbinary(311)
declare @colv varbinary(2953)
declare @retcode smallint
declare @tnlength int
declare @tnoffset int
declare @guidoffset int
declare @procname nvarchar(270)
declare @iscoltracked int
declare @maxversion int
declare @cCols int

-- create temp table for returning results
declare @meta_batch TABLE (idx int identity unique, generation bigint, type tinyint,
lineage varbinary(311), colv varbinary(2953), maxversion int)

-- security check
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_PAL_rolecheck @pubid=@pubid
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
return 1

set @tablenicklast = 0
-- initialize offsets and length for walking through arrays
set @tnoffset = 1
set @guidoffset = 1
set @tnlength = datalength(@tablenickarray)

-- walk through arrays and populate temp table
while (@tnoffset < @tnlength)
set @tablenick = substring(@tablenickarray, @tnoffset, 4)
set @rowguid = substring(@rowguidarray, @guidoffset, 16)

-- instead of calling sp_MSgetrowmetadata, look it up ourselves might be faster

-- exec @rc = sp_MSgetrowmetadata @tablenick, @rowguid, @generation output,
-- @type output, @lineage output, @colv output, @pubid
if @tablenick <> @tablenicklast
select @procname= 'dbo.' + select_proc, @iscoltracked= column_tracking from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick and pubid=@pubid
set @tablenicklast = @tablenick

set @type= 4
set @generation= 0
set @lineage= NULL
set @colv= NULL

-- check for row in base table
exec @retcode= @procname @maxschemaguidforarticle = NULL, @type=@type output, @rowguid=@rowguid
if @@error <>0 or @retcode <> 0
return (1)

select @cCols = 0
if (@type = 3)
if @compatlevel < 90
set @cCols= sys.fn_cColvEntries_80(@pubid, @tablenick)

-- here do a union query between contents and tombstone
-- The normal case here would be: Either the row is in contents or if the row
-- was added as part of the initial snapshot it does not have a contents row
-- however, in the exception case, if there is some partition movement or some
-- deletes happening while we do this query, the row could have been deleted
-- and the MSmerge_contents entry for the row will not be present.
-- To cover the exception case we do a union query here between contents and tombstones.
select @type = type, @generation = generation, @lineage = lineage, @colv = colv from
select 2 as type, generation as generation,
case when @compatlevel >= 90 then lineage else {fn LINEAGE_90_TO_80(lineage)} end as lineage,
case when @compatlevel >= 90 or @iscoltracked = 0 then colv1 else {fn COLV_90_TO_80(colv1, @cCols)} end as colv
from dbo.MSmerge_contents
where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid
select type as type, generation as generation,
case when @compatlevel >= 90 then lineage else {fn LINEAGE_90_TO_80(lineage)} end as lineage,
NULL as colv
from dbo.MSmerge_tombstone
where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid
) as metadataunion

set @type= 0

if @compatlevel < 90
set @cCols= sys.fn_cColvEntries_80(@pubid, @tablenick)

-- here do a union query between contents and tombstone
-- The normal case here would be: Either the row is in tombstones or if the row
-- was never present it will have no entry in tombstone.
-- however, in the exception case, if there is some partition movement or some
-- re-inserts happening while we do this query, the row could have been re-inserted
-- and the tombstone entry will not be present.
-- To cover the exception case we do a union query here between contents and tombstones.
-- which should be done as an atomic operation.
select @type = type, @generation = generation, @lineage = lineage, @colv = colv from
select 2 as type, generation as generation,
case when @compatlevel >= 90 then lineage else {fn LINEAGE_90_TO_80(lineage)} end as lineage,
case when @compatlevel >= 90 or @iscoltracked = 0 then colv1 else {fn COLV_90_TO_80(colv1, @cCols)} end as colv
from dbo.MSmerge_contents
where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid
select type as type, generation as generation,
case when @compatlevel >= 90 then lineage else {fn LINEAGE_90_TO_80(lineage)} end as lineage,
NULL as colv
from dbo.MSmerge_tombstone
where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid
) as metadataunion2


-- insert values into temp table
if @lightweight <> 0
select @maxversion= maxversion_at_cleanup from dbo.sysmergearticles
where nickname = @tablenick and pubid=@pubid

insert into @meta_batch (generation, type, lineage, colv, maxversion) values
(@generation, @type, @lineage, @colv, @maxversion)
insert into @meta_batch (generation, type, lineage, colv) values
(@generation, @type, @lineage, @colv)

-- bump up offsets for next time through loop
set @tnoffset = @tnoffset + 4
set @guidoffset = @guidoffset + 16

-- select out our result set
if @lightweight <> 0
select generation, type, lineage, colv, maxversion from @meta_batch order by idx
select generation, type, lineage, colv from @meta_batch order by idx

return (0)

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