May 15, 2012

sp_MSgetlightweightmetadatabatch (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSgetlightweightmetadatabatch(uniqueidentifier @pubid
, varbinary @artnickarray
, varbinary @rowguidarray)


 create procedure sys.sp_MSgetlightweightmetadatabatch  
@pubid uniqueidentifier,
@artnickarray varbinary(2000),
@rowguidarray varbinary(8000)
set nocount on

declare @pubnick int
declare @artnick int
declare @artnicklast int
declare @rowguid uniqueidentifier
declare @type tinyint
declare @retcode smallint
declare @artnickarraylength int
declare @artnickarrayidx int
declare @rowguidarrayidx int
declare @procname nvarchar(70)
declare @postfix nchar(32)
declare @rowvector varbinary(11)
declare @changedcolumns varbinary(128)
declare @artid uniqueidentifier
declare @columns_enumeration tinyint

declare @METADATA_TYPE_InsertLightweight tinyint
declare @METADATA_TYPE_UpdateLightweight tinyint
declare @METADATA_TYPE_DeleteLightweight tinyint
declare @METADATA_TYPE_UpsertLightweightProcessed tinyint
declare @METADATA_TYPE_DeleteLightweightProcessed tinyint

-- Security check
exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return (1)

if (@artnickarray is null)
raiserror(14043, 16, -1, '@artnickarray', 'sp_MSgetlightweightmetadatabatch')
return (1)
if (@rowguidarray is null)
raiserror(14043, 16, -1, '@rowguidarray', 'sp_MSgetlightweightmetadatabatch')
return (1)

set @METADATA_TYPE_InsertLightweight= 7
set @METADATA_TYPE_UpdateLightweight= 8
set @METADATA_TYPE_DeleteLightweight= 10
set @METADATA_TYPE_UpsertLightweightProcessed= 11
set @METADATA_TYPE_DeleteLightweightProcessed= 12
set @artnicklast= 0
set @artnickarrayidx= 1
set @rowguidarrayidx= 1
set @artnickarraylength= datalength(@artnickarray)

select @pubnick = sync_info from dbo.MSmerge_replinfo where repid = @pubid

-- walk through arrays and populate temp table
while (@artnickarrayidx < @artnickarraylength)
set @artnick= substring(@artnickarray, @artnickarrayidx, 4)
set @rowguid= substring(@rowguidarray, @rowguidarrayidx, 16)

-- find the stored proc that figures out the metadata type of the row
if @artnick <> @artnicklast
select @artid= artid, @postfix= procname_postfix
from dbo.sysmergearticles
where pubid = @pubid and nickname = @artnick

select @procname= quotename('MSmerge_lws_sp_multi_' + @postfix)
set @artnicklast= @artnick

exec @retcode= @procname
@action= 3,
@rowguid= @rowguid,
@type= @type output,
@rowvector= @rowvector output,
@changedcolumns= @changedcolumns output,
@columns_enumeration= @columns_enumeration output
if @@error <>0 or @retcode <> 0 goto Failure

select @type as type,
@rowvector as rowvector,
@changedcolumns as changedcolumns,
@columns_enumeration as columns_enumeration

-- bump up offsets for next time through loop
set @artnickarrayidx = @artnickarrayidx + 4
set @rowguidarrayidx = @rowguidarrayidx + 16

return 0
return 1

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