May 14, 2012

sp_MSgenerateexpandproc (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSgenerateexpandproc(int @tablenick
, nvarchar @procname)


 create procedure sys.sp_MSgenerateexpandproc(  
@tablenick int, @procname sysname
set nocount on

declare @immediate_child_partition_viewname nvarchar(130), @immediate_child_nickname int,
@join_unique_key int, @child_expand_proc sysname, @child_rgcol nvarchar(270), @child_has_col_tracking int

declare @partition_view_id int, @partition_view_name nvarchar(270), @pubid uniqueidentifier, @artid uniqueidentifier,
@retcode int, @artidstr nvarchar(40), @rgcol nvarchar(270), @objid int, @publication_number smallint
declare @command1 nvarchar(max), @command2 nvarchar(max), @command3 nvarchar(max), @command4 nvarchar(max)
declare @table_name nvarchar(130), @owner_qualified_table_name nvarchar(270), @immediate_child_table_name nvarchar(130),
@owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name nvarchar(270), @immediate_child_objid int,
@join_filterclause nvarchar(2000), @child_join_colname nvarchar(130), @child_cannot_pre_exist bit, @parent_columns_unique bit,
@join_filter_id int
declare @gen_change_threshold int
declare @replnick binary(6)

-- Security Check
exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return (1)

select @parent_columns_unique = 0

create table #tmpproccmd (phase int NOT NULL, step int identity NOT NULL, cmdtext nvarchar(max) collate database_default null)

select top 1 @artid=artid, @objid=objid
from dbo.sysmergearticles
where nickname = @tablenick

select @rgcol = quotename(name) from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and is_rowguidcol = 1

select @table_name = quotename(object_name(@objid)),
@owner_qualified_table_name = quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(@objid))
from sys.objects
where object_id = @objid

select @gen_change_threshold = min(isnull(generation_leveling_threshold,0)) from dbo.sysmergepublications
where pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick)
select @command1 = '
create procedure dbo.'
+ quotename(@procname) + ' (@marker uniqueidentifier, @inherit_pastchanges_generation bigint, @parent_being_updated bit = 0, @trigger_type int = 1) as '

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command1)

declare immediate_children CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR
select distinct quotename(object_name(sma.objid)), sma.objid, sma.nickname, 'dbo.' + quotename(object_name(sma.partition_view_id)),
ssf.join_filterid, ssf.join_filterclause, ssf.join_unique_key, sma.expand_proc, sma.pubid, sma.column_tracking
from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters ssf, dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview sma where ssf.join_nickname = @tablenick
and sma.nickname = ssf.art_nickname
and sma.pubid = ssf.pubid
and (ssf.filter_type & 1) = 1
and sma.partition_view_id is not null
for read only

open immediate_children

fetch next from immediate_children into @immediate_child_table_name, @immediate_child_objid, @immediate_child_nickname,
@immediate_child_partition_viewname, @join_filter_id, @join_filterclause, @join_unique_key, @child_expand_proc, @pubid, @child_has_col_tracking

if (@@fetch_status <> -1)
exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSgetreplnick @replnick = @replnick out
if @retcode <> 0
return 1

select @command3 = '
declare @child_marker uniqueidentifier
declare @child_rowcount int, @child_newgen bigint, @child_oldmaxversion int, @child_metadatarows_updated int, @cv varbinary(1), @replnick binary(6)
declare @lineage varbinary(311)
declare @retcode int
declare @dt datetime
declare @nickbin varbinary(8)
declare @reason bit

select @replnick = '
+ sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@replnick) + '

select @nickbin = @replnick + 0xFF

set @child_marker = newid()

select @dt = getdate()

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
-- exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSis_joinfilter_based_on_PK_UQ_constraints @pubid = @pubid,
-- @join_filter_id = @join_filter_id,
-- @dri_based = @child_cannot_pre_exist output,
-- @unique_constraint_based = @parent_columns_unique output

-- if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
-- goto FAILURE

-- if @child_cannot_pre_exist = 1
-- begin
-- select @command3 = '
-- if @parent_being_updated = 1
-- begin '

-- insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)
-- end

select @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name =
quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(object_id))
from sys.objects with (nolock) where object_id = @immediate_child_objid

select top 1 @publication_number = publication_number from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid

select top 1 @child_join_colname = name from sys.columns where object_id = @immediate_child_objid
and sys.fn_MSisfilteredcolumn(@join_filterclause, name, @immediate_child_objid) = 1

select @child_rgcol = quotename(name) from sys.columns where object_id = @immediate_child_objid and is_rowguidcol = 1

if @join_unique_key = 0 or @parent_columns_unique = 0
select @command3 = '
select @child_rowcount = count(*) from '
@owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock)
where '
+ @child_rgcol + ' in
(select '
+ @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + '
dbo.MSmerge_contents with (rowlock), '

+ @owner_qualified_table_name + ' ' + @table_name + ' with (rowlock), '
+ @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock)
where dbo.MSmerge_contents.marker = @marker
and dbo.MSmerge_contents.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @tablenick) + '
and dbo.MSmerge_contents.rowguid = '
+ @table_name + '.' + @rgcol + '
and ('
+ @join_filterclause +'))'
select @command3 = '
select @child_rowcount = count(*) from
dbo.MSmerge_contents with (rowlock), '

+ @owner_qualified_table_name + ' ' + @table_name + ' with (rowlock), '
+ @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock)
where dbo.MSmerge_contents.marker = @marker
and dbo.MSmerge_contents.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @tablenick) + '
and dbo.MSmerge_contents.rowguid = '
+ @table_name + '.' + @rgcol + '
and ('
+ @join_filterclause + ') '

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

-- touch the immediate children of deleted rows
select @command3 = '
if @child_rowcount > 0
select @child_oldmaxversion= maxversion_at_cleanup from dbo.sysmergearticles
where nickname = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + '

-- the code below will get an open generation for the child article
select @child_newgen = NULL
select top 1 @child_newgen = generation from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock, updlock, readpast)
where art_nick = '
+ convert(nvarchar,@immediate_child_nickname) + '
and genstatus = 0'

if @gen_change_threshold > 0
select @command3 = @command3 + '
and changecount <= ('
+ convert(nvarchar, @gen_change_threshold) + '- isnull(@child_rowcount,0))'
select @command3 = @command3 + '
if @child_newgen is NULL
insert into dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock)
(guidsrc, genstatus, art_nick, nicknames, coldate, changecount)
values (newid(), 0, '
+ convert(nvarchar,@immediate_child_nickname) + ', @nickbin, @dt, @child_rowcount)
select @child_newgen = @@identity

if @gen_change_threshold > 0
select @command3 = @command3 + '
-- do the update right away to change the changecount to include the rows that we just put in the generation
update dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock)
set changecount = changecount + @child_rowcount
where generation = @child_newgen

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

select @command3 = '
if @retcode <> 0
return @retcode '

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

if @join_unique_key = 0 or @parent_columns_unique = 0
select @command3 = '
update MSmerge_contents1 with (rowlock) set generation = @child_newgen, partchangegen = @child_newgen, marker = @child_marker,
lineage = case when @trigger_type = 0 then lineage else { fn UPDATELINEAGE(MSmerge_contents1.lineage, @replnick, @child_oldmaxversion+1) } end
from dbo.MSmerge_contents MSmerge_contents1 with (rowlock)
where MSmerge_contents1.tablenick = '
+ convert (nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + '
and MSmerge_contents1.rowguid in
(select '
+ @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + '
dbo.MSmerge_contents MSmerge_contents2 with (rowlock), '

+ @owner_qualified_table_name + ' ' + @table_name + ' with (rowlock), '
+ @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock)
where MSmerge_contents2.marker = @marker
and MSmerge_contents2.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @tablenick) + '
and MSmerge_contents2.rowguid = '
+ @table_name + '.' + @rgcol + '
and ('
+ @join_filterclause + '))

select @child_metadatarows_updated = @@rowcount'

select @command3 = '
update MSmerge_contents1 set generation = @child_newgen, partchangegen = @child_newgen, marker = @child_marker,
lineage = case when @trigger_type = 0 then lineage else { fn UPDATELINEAGE(MSmerge_contents1.lineage, @replnick, @child_oldmaxversion+1) } end
dbo.MSmerge_contents MSmerge_contents2 with (rowlock), '

+ @owner_qualified_table_name + ' ' + @table_name + ' with (rowlock), '
+ @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock),
dbo.MSmerge_contents MSmerge_contents1 with (rowlock)
where MSmerge_contents1.tablenick = '
+ convert (nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + '
and MSmerge_contents1.rowguid = '
+ @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + '
and MSmerge_contents2.marker = @marker
and MSmerge_contents2.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @tablenick) + '
and MSmerge_contents2.rowguid = '
+ @table_name + '.' + @rgcol + '
and ('
+ @join_filterclause + ')

select @child_metadatarows_updated = @@rowcount'


insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

select @command3 = '
if @child_metadatarows_updated < @child_rowcount '

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

set @command3 = '
set @lineage = case when @trigger_type = 0 then 0x0 else { fn UPDATELINEAGE(0x0, @replnick, @child_oldmaxversion+1) } end '

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

if @child_has_col_tracking = 1
set @command3 = '
set @cv = 0xFF '

set @command3 = '
set @cv = NULL '

set @command3 = @command3 + '
insert into dbo.MSmerge_contents with (rowlock)
(tablenick, rowguid, generation, partchangegen, lineage, colv1, marker)

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

if @join_unique_key = 0 or @parent_columns_unique = 0
set @command3 = '
select '
+ convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ', ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ', @child_newgen, @child_newgen, @lineage, @cv, @child_marker
from '

+ @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock)
where '
+ @child_rgcol + ' in
select '
+ @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + '
from dbo.MSmerge_contents MSmerge_contents2 with (rowlock),
+ @owner_qualified_table_name + ' ' + @table_name + ' with (rowlock),
+ @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock)
where MSmerge_contents2.marker = @marker
and MSmerge_contents2.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @tablenick) + '
and MSmerge_contents2.rowguid = '
+ @table_name + '.' + @rgcol + '
and ('
+ @join_filterclause + ')
and not exists
(select * from dbo.MSmerge_contents with (rowlock)
where tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) +'
and rowguid = '
+ @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + '
) '

set @command3 = '
select '
+ convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ', ' + @immediate_child_table_name +'.' + @child_rgcol + ', @child_newgen, @child_newgen, @lineage, @cv, @child_marker
dbo.MSmerge_contents MSmerge_contents2 with (rowlock), '

+ @owner_qualified_table_name + ' ' + @table_name + ' with (rowlock), '
+ @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock)
where MSmerge_contents2.marker = @marker
and MSmerge_contents2.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @tablenick) + '
and MSmerge_contents2.rowguid = '
+ @table_name + '.' + @rgcol + '
and ('
+ @join_filterclause + ')
and not exists (select * from dbo.MSmerge_contents with (rowlock)
where tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + '
and rowguid = '
+ @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ') '

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

select @command3 = '
end '

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

select @command3 = '
if @trigger_type <> 0
delete dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings with (rowlock) from
dbo.MSmerge_contents mc with (rowlock)
join dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings with (rowlock)
on dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings.tablenick = mc.tablenick
and mc.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + '
and dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + '
and dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings.rowguid = mc.rowguid
and dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings.publication_number = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + '
and mc.marker = @child_marker
end '

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

select @command3 = '
if @trigger_type <> 0
insert into dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id)
select distinct '
+ convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ', mc.tablenick, mc.rowguid, v.partition_id
from dbo.MSmerge_contents mc with (rowlock)
+ @immediate_child_partition_viewname + ' v with (rowlock)
ON mc.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + '
and mc.rowguid = v.'
+ @child_rgcol + '
and mc.marker = @child_marker
insert into dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id)
select distinct '
+ convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ', mc.tablenick, mc.rowguid, v.partition_id
from dbo.MSmerge_contents mc with (rowlock)
+ @immediate_child_partition_viewname + ' v with (rowlock)
ON mc.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + '
and mc.rowguid = v.'
+ @child_rgcol + '
and mc.marker = @child_marker
and v.partition_id in (select partition_id from dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings cpm with (rowlock) JOIN
dbo.MSmerge_contents mc2 with (rowlock)
ON cpm.rowguid = mc2.rowguid
and mc2.marker = @marker)
where not exists (select * from MSmerge_current_partition_mappings with (readcommitted, rowlock, readpast) where
publication_number = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ' and
tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and
rowguid = v.'
+ @child_rgcol + ' and
partition_id = v.partition_id)
end '

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

select @command3 = '
if @inherit_pastchanges_generation <> -1
if @parent_being_updated = 1
set @reason = 0
set @reason = 1 -- expanding for delete. --

insert into dbo.MSmerge_past_partition_mappings with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id, generation,reason)
select distinct '
+ convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ', ' + convert (nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ', ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ',
mpcpm.partition_id, @child_newgen, @reason
dbo.MSmerge_contents mc with (rowlock) ,
dbo.MSmerge_past_partition_mappings mpcpm with (rowlock) , '

+ @owner_qualified_table_name + ' ' + @table_name + ' with (rowlock) , '
+ @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name +' with (rowlock)
where mc.marker = @marker
and mc.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @tablenick) + '
and mc.rowguid = '
+ @table_name + '.' + @rgcol + '
and mpcpm.publication_number = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + '
and mpcpm.generation = @inherit_pastchanges_generation
and mc.tablenick = mpcpm.tablenick
and mpcpm.tablenick = '
+ convert(nvarchar, @tablenick) + '
and mc.rowguid = mpcpm.rowguid
and ('
+ @join_filterclause + ')
end '

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

if @child_expand_proc is not null and @child_expand_proc != ' '
set @command3 = '
exec dbo.'
+ quotename(@child_expand_proc) + ' @marker = @child_marker, @inherit_pastchanges_generation = @child_newgen, @parent_being_updated = 1, @trigger_type = @trigger_type '
-- use parent_being_updated = 1 even if the originating parent was being inserted or deleted. this value
-- simply indicates that the current parent row was found, and we are updating its metadata.
insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

select @command3 = '
end '

insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)

-- if @child_cannot_pre_exist = 1
-- begin
-- select @command3 = '
-- end '

-- insert into #tmpproccmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3)
-- end

fetch next from immediate_children into @immediate_child_table_name, @immediate_child_objid, @immediate_child_nickname,
@immediate_child_partition_viewname, @join_filter_id, @join_filterclause, @join_unique_key, @child_expand_proc, @pubid, @child_has_col_tracking

close immediate_children
deallocate immediate_children

select cmdtext from #tmpproccmd where cmdtext is not null order by phase, step
drop table #tmpproccmd

return 0


close immediate_children
deallocate immediate_children

drop table #tmpproccmd

return 1

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