May 14, 2012

sp_MSenumpartialchanges (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSenumpartialchanges(int @maxrows
, nvarchar @temp_cont
, int @tablenick
, uniqueidentifier @rowguid
, uniqueidentifier @pubid
, int @compatlevel
, bit @return_count_of_rows_initially_enumerated
, bit @enumentirerowmetadata
, bit @blob_cols_at_the_end
, uniqueidentifier @maxschemaguidforarticle)


 --  This is similiar to sp_MSEnumChanges, except @temp_cont (generated by sp_MSsetupbelongs)   
-- is used instead of MSMerge_Contents plus genlist,maxgen,mingen
-- And @rowguid as input is used as marker
create procedure sys.sp_MSenumpartialchanges
(@maxrows int,
@temp_cont sysname,
@tablenick int,
@rowguid uniqueidentifier,
@pubid uniqueidentifier = NULL,
@compatlevel int = 10, -- backward compatibility level, default=Sphinx
@return_count_of_rows_initially_enumerated bit = 0,
@enumentirerowmetadata bit= 1,
@blob_cols_at_the_end bit=0,
@maxschemaguidforarticle uniqueidentifier=NULL)
declare @retcode smallint
declare @tnstring nvarchar(12)
-- Owner qualified
declare @procname nvarchar(270)
declare @error int
declare @count_of_rows_initially_enumerated int

declare @objid int
declare @objid_str nvarchar(15)
declare @sync_objid int
declare @sync_objid_str nvarchar(15)
declare @colid int
declare @rowguid_clause nvarchar(200)

-- Security Checking
-- PAL user has access
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_PAL_rolecheck @pubid = @pubid, @tablenick = @tablenick
if (@retcode <> 0) or (@@error <> 0)
return 1

if (@tablenick is null)
RAISERROR(14043, 16, -1, '@tablenick', 'sp_MSenumpartialchanges')
return (1)

set @tnstring = convert(nchar, @tablenick)

if @rowguid is null or @rowguid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
select @rowguid_clause = ' '
select @rowguid_clause = ' and rowguid > ''' + convert(nchar(36), @rowguid) + ''' '

create table #cont (
tablenick int NOT NULL,
rowguid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,
generation bigint NULL,
lineage varbinary(311) NULL,
colv1 varbinary(2953) NULL)

select @procname = 'dbo.' + select_proc, @objid=objid, @sync_objid=sync_objid
from dbo.sysmergearticles
where nickname=@tablenick and pubid = @pubid
if @@rowcount=0
return 1
select @objid_str = convert(nvarchar, @objid)
if @@rowcount=0
return 1
select @sync_objid_str = convert(nvarchar, @sync_objid)
if @@rowcount=0
return 1

declare @selecttop nvarchar(50)
if (@maxrows = 0)
set @selecttop= 'select'
set @selecttop= 'select top ' + cast(@maxrows as nvarchar(9))

declare @metadatacols nvarchar(300)

if 0 = @enumentirerowmetadata
set @metadatacols= 'generation, null, null'
else if @compatlevel >= 90
set @metadatacols= 'generation, lineage, colv'
else if sys.fn_fIsColTracked(@tablenick) = 1
declare @cCols int
set @cCols= sys.fn_cColvEntries_80(@pubid, @tablenick)
set @metadatacols= 'generation, {fn LINEAGE_90_TO_80(lineage)}, {fn COLV_90_TO_80(colv,' + cast(@cCols as nvarchar(6)) +')}'
set @metadatacols= 'generation, {fn LINEAGE_90_TO_80(lineage)}, colv'

execute ('insert into #cont(tablenick, rowguid, generation,lineage,colv1) ' +
@selecttop + ' tablenick, rowguid, ' + @metadatacols + ' from ' + @temp_cont + ' where
tablenick = '
+ @tnstring + @rowguid_clause
+ ' order by rowguid')

select @count_of_rows_initially_enumerated = @@rowcount, @error = @@error
if @error <> 0
return (1)

if @return_count_of_rows_initially_enumerated = 1
select @count_of_rows_initially_enumerated

-- Optimize: check colid is valid for the article in this publication or as currently we rely on sel_sp to pick right colid

exec @retcode= @procname
@maxschemaguidforarticle = @maxschemaguidforarticle,
@type= 3, -- for partial changes (horizontal filter)
@enumentirerowmetadata= @enumentirerowmetadata,

IF @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0

drop table #cont
return (0)

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