May 10, 2012

sp_MSdodatabasesnapshotinitiation (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSdodatabasesnapshotinitiation(nvarchar @publication)


-- Name: sp_MSdodatabasesnapshotinitiation
-- Description: This procedure is called by the snapshot agent to perform the
-- the necessary (article & subscription) initiation procedures
-- when generating a snapshot from a database snapshot.
-- Parameter: @publication sysname (mandatory)
-- Notes: This procedure is assumed to be run within a transaction from the
-- snapshot agent. As such, no explicit error handling is performed
-- in it. This procedure will also return 1 immediately if one of the
-- following is not true:
-- 1) Caller is not member of db_owner role
-- 2) Caller is not a replication agent connection
-- 3) @@trancount < 1
-- Returns: 0 - succeeded
-- 1 - failed
-- Security: Public interface, non-db_owner caller will result in no-op
create procedure sys.sp_MSdodatabasesnapshotinitiation (
@publication sysname
set nocount on

if @@trancount < 1 return 1

if sessionproperty('replication_agent') <> 1 return 1

if object_id(N'dbo.syspublications', 'U') is null return 1

declare @retcode int
set @retcode = 0

exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
return 1

declare @qualifiedname nvarchar(520),
@objid int,
@articletype tinyint,
@pubid int,
@repl_freq tinyint,
@error int

set @pubid = null
set @error = 0

select @pubid = pubid,
@repl_freq = repl_freq
from dbo.syspublications
where name = @publication

if @pubid is null return 1

update dbo.syssubscriptions
set status = 3
from dbo.syssubscriptions subs
inner join dbo.sysextendedarticlesview arts
on subs.artid = arts.artid
where arts.pubid = @pubid
and (subs.status in (0, 1) and subs.sync_type = 1
or subs.srvid = -1)

update dbo.sysarticles
set status = status | 1
where artid in
(select subs.artid
from syssubscriptions subs
inner join dbo.sysarticles arts
on subs.artid = arts.artid
where arts.pubid = @pubid)

update dbo.sysschemaarticles
set status = status | 1
where artid in
(select subs.artid
from syssubscriptions subs
inner join dbo.sysschemaarticles arts
on subs.artid = arts.artid
where arts.pubid = @pubid)

exec @retcode = sys.sp_replflush
return @retcode

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