April 25, 2012

sp_generatefilters (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_generatefilters(nvarchar @publication)


create procedure sys.sp_generatefilters
@publication sysname
-- Declare a few variables --
declare @pubid uniqueidentifier
declare @art_name sysname
declare @object_id int
declare @join_objid int
declare @retcode int
declare @join_unique int
declare @distance int

-- Security Check
EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish
IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
return (1)

-- Parameter Check: @publication.
-- The @publication id cannot be NULL and must conform to the rules
-- for identifiers.

if @publication is NULL
raiserror (14043, 16, -1, '@publication', 'sp_generatefilters')
return (1)
-- Get the pubid and make sure the publication exists
select @pubid = pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications
where name = @publication and UPPER(publisher)=UPPER(publishingservername()) and publisher_db=db_name()
if @pubid is NULL
raiserror (20026, 16, -1, @publication)
return (1)

-- Set up some temp tables to help keep track of what to process --
create table #filtered (object_id int NOT NULL, distance int NOT NULL)
create table #unfiltered (object_id int NOT NULL, art_name sysname collate database_default not null)

-- Do initial population of temp tables --
insert into #filtered (object_id, distance) select objid, 0 from dbo.sysmergearticles where
pubid = @pubid and len(subset_filterclause) > 0
insert into #unfiltered (object_id, art_name) select objid, name from dbo.sysmergearticles
where pubid = @pubid and objid not in (select object_id from #filtered)

-- remove self-referencing tables from #unfiltered as we should not try to filter them --
delete from #unfiltered where object_id in
(select referenced_object_id from sys.foreign_keys where referenced_object_id = parent_object_id)
select @distance = min(distance) from #filtered f, sys.foreign_keys r, #unfiltered u where
(f.object_id = r.referenced_object_id and r.parent_object_id = u.object_id) or
(u.object_id = r.referenced_object_id and r.parent_object_id = f.object_id)

-- Look for something in sys.foreign_keys to add a join filter for --
select @join_unique = 1, @object_id = parent_object_id, @join_objid = referenced_object_id, @art_name = art_name
from sys.foreign_keys r, #unfiltered u where r.parent_object_id = u.object_id and
r.referenced_object_id in (select object_id from #filtered where distance = @distance)

if @art_name is null
select @join_unique = 0, @object_id = referenced_object_id, @join_objid = parent_object_id, @art_name = art_name
from sys.foreign_keys r, #unfiltered u where r.referenced_object_id = u.object_id and
r.parent_object_id in (select object_id from #filtered where distance = @distance)
while @art_name is not null
-- Make the join filter corresponding to this relationship --
exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSmakejoinfilter @publication, @art_name, @object_id, @join_objid, @join_unique
if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 return (1)
-- Move row from #unfiltered to #filtered --
insert into #filtered (object_id, distance) values (@object_id, @distance + 1)
delete from #unfiltered where object_id = @object_id

-- See if any more that can be added --
select @distance = min(distance) from #filtered f, sys.foreign_keys r, #unfiltered u where
(f.object_id = r.referenced_object_id and r.parent_object_id = u.object_id) or
(u.object_id = r.referenced_object_id and r.parent_object_id = f.object_id)
set @art_name = NULL
select @join_unique = 1, @object_id = parent_object_id, @join_objid = referenced_object_id, @art_name = art_name
from sys.foreign_keys r, #unfiltered u where r.parent_object_id = u.object_id and
r.referenced_object_id in (select object_id from #filtered where distance = @distance)
if @art_name is null
select @join_unique = 0, @object_id = referenced_object_id, @join_objid = parent_object_id, @art_name = art_name
from sys.foreign_keys r, #unfiltered u where r.referenced_object_id = u.object_id and
r.parent_object_id in (select object_id from #filtered where distance = @distance)
return (0)

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